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Unicrow SDK

Unicrow Software Development Kit provides a convenient way of integrating the protocol’s smart contracts.

To get a quick hands-on experience with using the SDK, check out our SDK Tutorial.

The SDK is organized in modules as follows:

  • UI - functions integrating Unicrow contracts via modals that give users overview of the selected escrow payment, provide UI elements for the actions they can take, and give them updates on the status of the actions. Use these to save time on developing your own front-end.
  • Core - functions that interact with the contracts directly and provide updates to the front-end via callbacks. Use these if you want to embed the contract interaction into your system, or to read data from the contract.
  • Wallet - web3 wallet integration functions. The SDK takes care of the wallet integration automatically wherever necessary, so these are optional to use.
  • Indexer - functions to read escrow information from the indexer. While it is possible to read data for a single escrow from the contract directly via core functions, using the indexer is necessary to search or list multiple escrows or to read user’s overall balance in the contract in case the app doesn’t keep records in other ways.

Note: In order to continuously and quickly improve SDK’s developer experience, we might introduce small breaking changes in the first couple of months after the launch.

We promise to avoid such situations as much as possible, but if it'll happen, the changes will be announced in the #breaking-changes Discord channel, and explained along with the version number in the function comments. To get notified about such changes, we recommend to enable the channel's notifications.

Getting Started

To get a quick hands-on experience with using the SDK, check out our SDK Tutorial. Otherwise you can follow the steps and see some basic functions below.


yarn add @unicrowio/sdk


npm install @unicrowio/sdk


import Unicrow from "@unicrowio/sdk";


await result ={
amount: <amount_in_ETH_or_token>, // use whole units, not weis
seller:<address_or_ens>, // whom is the payment for*
challengePeriod: <seconds>, // how long can the buyer challenge*
challengePeriodExtension: <seconds>, // by how much the CP will be extended after a challenge
tokenAddress:<address>, // address of the payment token (null for ETH)
marketplace:<address_or_ens>, // a marketplace that processes the payment
marketplaceFee:<%>, // a fee that the marketplace charges
arbitrator:<address_or_ens>, // a 3rd party arbitrator
arbitratorFee:<%>, // a fee that the arbitrator charges
paymentReference: "<text_reference>" // a text to help identify the payment (e.g. order ID)
}) // * - required parameters

const escrowId = result.escrowId

Get escrow data

await escrowData = Unicrow.core.getEscrowData(escrowId)

Release by the buyer


Claim by the seller (after the challenge period ended)


Change the network

The SDK is by default configured to interact with the Arbitrum One network and to ask the user to switch to it when any contract-interacting function is called. We support also the Arbitrum Sepolia Testnet. The automated switch can also be turned off (in such case, an error is thrown).

autoSwitchNetwork: <true|false> // optional, defaults to true

For more examples, check out the SDK Tutorial.

SDK Developers


Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Node.js and Yarn.


  • Clone from
  • cd to the project directory
  • yarn install to install dependencies
  • yarn dev to start a server with hot reload
  • yarn test to run the tests
  • yarn build to generate new bundle
  • yarn link @unicrowio/sdk to add your local crow-sdk project as dependency on node_modules folder