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The indexer maintains an up-to-date record of all escrowed payments relevant for platforms integrating Unicrow. It does it by listening to events from Unicrow smart contracts and optionally filtering them by marketplace addresses.

Check out Unicrow SDK Tutorial to learn how to query the indexed data.


Install Docker

Getting Started

1 Clone from GitHub

Clone the Indexer from the GitHub repo

2 Configuration

Setting up the network (required)

Open one of the *.env files based on which environment you're deploying to, and for the network you want to use uncomment the following lines and update RPC_HOST


Setting the Marketplace addresses

Open hasura/migrations/default/1641864689790_squashed/up.sql

Replace * with the address of your marketplace. To add more addresses, duplicate the line.

INSERT INTO marketplace (address) VALUES ('*');

Setting the initial block number

In the same file, replace 0 with the block number that matters for you (like when you start testing)

INSERT INTO last_block_number (block_number) VALUES (0);

You can get the latest block number at Arbiscan

3 Running the Container


docker-compose --env-file _mac.env -f docker-compose.mac.yml up -d

Linux (Ubuntu)

docker-compose --env-file _linux.env -f docker-compose.linux.yml up -d

Windows WSL 2.0 (Ubuntu)

docker-compose --env-file _wsl.env -f docker-compose.wsl.yml up -d

4 Verification:

Check that everything is set up correctly:

Useful commands

Macbook users

  1. List all containers running
docker ps
  1. Stop all containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.mac.yml down
  1. Logs
docker-compose -f docker-compose.mac.yml logs
  1. Clean up all
docker-compose -f docker-compose.mac.yml down && docker rmi $(docker images -q) && docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)


docker system prune -a --volumes

Linux (Ubuntu) users

  1. List all containers running
docker ps
  1. Stop all containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.linux.yml down
  1. Logs
docker-compose -f docker-compose.linux.yml logs
  1. Clean up all
docker-compose -f docker-compose.linux.yml down && docker rmi $(docker images -q) && docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)


docker system prune -a --volumes

Windows WSL 2.0 (Ubuntu) users

  1. List all containers running
docker ps
  1. Stop all container
docker-compose -f docker-compose.wsl.yml down
  1. Logs
docker-compose -f docker-compose.wsl.yml logs
  1. Clean up all
docker-compose -f docker-compose.wsl.yml down && docker rmi $(docker images -q) && docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)


docker system prune -a --volumes